Frontiers Planet Prize

The ambition of the Frontiers Planet Prize is to directly address the planetary crisis, by mobilizing a maximum of scientists engaged in breakthrough research, with the greatest potential to stabilize the planet’s ecosystem. the focus of Frontiers Planet Prize is on scientific discovery – leading to technological innovations – that will accelerate the process of creating a sustainable future. If part of that acceleration requires novel insights from the social sciences, this can be part of the nomination.

Awarded to the best research published in established peer-reviewed scientific journals, with robust peer review and transparent publication procedures. The acceptance date of the article must fall within 2 years prior to the launch of the competition.

Eligibility: The lead scientist is the individual appointed by the National Nominating Body [SFU] who best represents the team of the published article, and in the event of being awarded the International Champion title by the Jury of 100, is the individual that will manage the prize money to drive the research project forward.

Value: 1 million Swiss Francs unrestricted research prize. Three prizes are offered each year.

Note:  These are institutional, limited submission nominations. Institutional Strategic Awards (ISA) coordinates the internal selection of nominees. To promote equity, diversity and inclusion, departments and faculties should ensure that all eligible candidates are considered and given the opportunity to self-identify. To recommend a candidate to the President’s Advisory Committee on Awards, Honours and Prizes, please submit a candidate suggestion form at least three months in advance of the external deadline. For more information, please contact

Agency Website:

Upcoming Deadlines

November 01, 2024November 01, 2024 Verified Date
16:00:00 16:00:00 America/Vancouver Application Deadline: Frontiers Planet Prize Rewards exceptional scientists whose work actively contributes to accelerating solutions to keep humanity remain within the 9 planetary boundaries .