Heineken Prizes

The five Heineken Prizes for Sciences recognise unique achievements of renowned researchers on a global scale in the fields of Biochemistry and BiophysicsMedicineHistoryEnvironmental Sciences and Cognitive Science. Offered every two years, with submission deadlines in odd-numbered years.

Value: Each of the scientific prizes includes a monetary award of 200,000 US Dollars. 

Eligibility: These prizes are intended for scientists and scholars who are currently active in their field and whose research still holds considerable promise for future innovative discoveries. Open to researchers from all over the world.

Note: If institutional nomination/external expert review is sought (individuals may also nominate candidates outside of the institutional process), please submit a candidate suggestion form at least three months in advance of the external deadline to recommend a candidate to the President’s Advisory Committee on Awards, Honours and Prizes. For more information, please contact awards@sfu.ca.

Agency Website: https://www.heinekenprizes.org/heineken-prizes/

Upcoming Deadlines

September 15, 2024September 15, 2024 *
16:00:00 16:00:00 America/Vancouver Application Deadline: Heineken Prizes Rewards outstanding achievement on a global scale in the fields of: Biochemistry and Biophysics, Cognitive Science, Environmental Sciences, History, and Medicine .
* NOTE: This deadline is an estimate based on previous years, but a confirmed deadline has not yet been published. We will update the deadline when it has been confirmed.