Rolex Awards for Enterprise

The Rolex Awards for Enterprise identify and invest in exceptional people seeking solutions to humankind’s most pressing challenges. These visionary individuals are united by a commitment to improve life and protect our planet. They have in common the ability to embrace projects that require creativity and determination in the face of considerable odds. These awards are offered every two years, with nominations due in even-numbered years.

Rolex is seeking innovative projects in the five following areas: science and health; the environment; applied technology; exploration; cultural heritage. The five Laureates will receive substantial funding and worldwide publicity to assist with their projects. They will also be granted access to the Rolex community of Laureates for advice and guidance.

Eligibility: The Rolex Awards are open to anyone over 18 years of age, of any nationality, whose ground-breaking project is helping to expand the knowledge of our world and improve the quality of life on the planet. Once an account is created, each candidate has a maximum of two weeks to complete the pre-application form.

Note: These are self-applications. If an external expert review of the draft application package is sought, please contact at least three months in advance of the external deadline.

Agency Website:

Upcoming Deadlines

October 17, 2024October 17, 2024 *
16:00:00 16:00:00 America/Vancouver Application Deadline: Rolex Awards for Enterprise Supports a new or ongoing project anywhere in the world, which has capacity to improve lives, or protect the world’s natural and cultural heritage. .
* NOTE: This deadline is an estimate based on previous years, but a confirmed deadline has not yet been published. We will update the deadline when it has been confirmed.