Cottrell STAR (Science Teaching and Research) and IMPACT Awards

These awards and initiatives are aimed at advancing the skills, knowledge, and experience of Cottrell Scholars toward attaining leadership roles in their institutions, and support the research and training of students working in their labs or groups.

The Cottrell STAR Award is designed to recognize the outstanding research and educational accomplishments of members of the community of Cottrell Scholars. Additionally, the award serves to encourage the improvement of science education at American and Canadian universities and colleges and raise the national profile of the Cottrell Scholars.

The Cottrell IMPACT Award is designed to recognize the work of an outstanding Cottrell Scholar who has had a national impact in science through leadership and service activities. Additionally, the award encourages academic leadership excellence in the Cottrell Scholar community and beyond, and raises the national profile of the Cottrell Scholars.

Value: USD 5,000 

Eligibility: Nominees must be at least 12 years beyond the year of their Cottrell Scholar Award and hold a faculty appointment at a research university or primarily undergraduate institution in the United States or Canada.

Note: These are self-applications by Cottrell Scholars or nominations by their institutional colleague and require an institutional letter of support. For more information, please contact

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Upcoming Deadlines

November 15, 2024November 15, 2024 Verified Date
16:00:00 16:00:00 America/Vancouver Application Deadline: Cottrell STAR (Science Teaching and Research) and IMPACT Awards Advance the skills, knowledge and experience of Cottrell Scholars. .