Canadian Museum of Nature - Nature Inspiration Awards

Recognize individuals and organizations that, through their work or specific projects, encourage Canadians to take an interest in natural history, create links with nature and contribute to its preservation.

Value: One grand prize of $5000 CAD will be given by the winner to the programme of his or her choice. Categories include: youth, adult, not-for-profit organizations, and businesses. 

Eligibility: Visit agency website for criteria specific to award category.

Agency Website:

Upcoming Deadlines

May 23, 2024May 23, 2024 *
16:00:00 16:00:00 America/Vancouver Application Deadline: Canadian Museum of Nature - Nature Inspiration Awards Recognizes those who encourage Canadians to take an interest in natural history, create links with nature and contribute to its preservation. .
* NOTE: This deadline is an estimate based on previous years, but a confirmed deadline has not yet been published. We will update the deadline when it has been confirmed.